TEA Breakdown

Application Model

type alias Model =

Here we define what our application’s model will look like. In this case, we are aliasing the built-in String type. So our whole application’s model is simply a string.

Our application’s model can be any type of value supported by Elm, including:

  • a record (effectively a JSON object with a fixed set of fields)
  • a list (what we call an array in JavaScript)
  • a number
  • a boolean (true or false)
  • a tuple (a fixed-length list of values of specific types)
  • a union type (more on this later)

Initial model

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( "Hello", Cmd.none )

init is a function that returns the initial state of the application. The first line init : ( Model, Cmd msg ) is the function’s type signature. This is saying that init returns a tuple, containing a Model and a Cmd Msg.

Commands (Cmd)

A command is how we tell the Elm runtime to perform a side effect. Here are some of the side effects supported by the Elm Runtime:

  • Send an HTTP request (Ajax)
  • Get the current time
  • Generate a random number
  • Access local storage
  • A batch of commands to be performed in parallel

Each of these is represented by a value with a type of Cmd.

Our program’s init function has an opportunity to return a command to be performed when our program first starts. In this example, we don’t need Elm to do anything at start-up, so we return Cmd.none.