To get this button to do something we need our view to trigger a message when the button is clicked.
First thing we need is to add a message to our application. Add a new constructor to Msg
type Msg
= NoOp
| ChangeCount Int
Note how this constructor ChangeCount Int
takes a payload, in this case an integer.
Note: Since we aren’t actually using our NoOp
message constructor anywhere, you could actually remove it, but I’ve left it in here to make it clear how to support more than one kind of message in your program.
Let’s trigger this new message from the view. Add a second import next to the existing one near the top of the file:
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
Now update the btnIncrease
function with an onClick
btnIncrease =
button [ onClick (ChangeCount 1) ] [ text "Increase" ]
Now this view when clicked will produce the message ChangeCount 1