Conditional rendering
Many time we want to conditionally render an element. For example, sometimes we want to render a banner, sometimes we don't. Here are some common patterns for this:
Using Maybe
We can write our HTML like:
[ Just headerElement
, maybeBanner showBanner
, Just content
, Just footerElement
] |> List.filterMap identity
maybeBanner showBanner =
if showBanner then
Just bannerElement
In this pattern we create a list of Maybes, and then use List.filterMap identity
to remove the Nothings.
Using a no-op
We can also achieve this using:
[ headerElement
, maybeBanner showBanner
, content
, footerElement
maybeBanner showBanner =
if showBanner then
text ""
In this case text ""
is a no-op (No operation). So nothing gets rendered.
To achieve the same for attributes we can use class ""
Using list concatenation
And we could also write our HTML like:
( [ headerElement ]
++ maybeBanner showBanner
++ [ content, footerElement ]
maybeBanner showBanner =
if showBanner then
[ bannerElement ]
In this case we use list concatenation to assemble the HTML. When we don't need to render the banner we can return an empty list.